Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Teacher of Life

The name of my blog is Magistra Vitae. Simply put, it means "teacher of life."  Sounds kind of impressive doesn't it? 

So, what are my credentials to be a teacher of life?

I’m old, older than you. I've been around a while.
When I was very young, God called me to follow him.
I was a teenage nerd, geek, outcast, etc. I thought God had left me.
I went to college. I was lonely.
I went to law school. I married my law school love.
I was a lawyer. I practiced.
I found that God was still here. In fact, He had never left.
I have two beautiful boys who are the greatest achievements of my life. (If I achieve nothing else, I have reared two wonderful young men.)
I home-schooled my two boys for six years.
My oldest son is autistic. He loves facts.
My younger son is a genius. He will graduate from college in about six months.   
I have fibromyalgia.
I have dysthymia (mild, chronic depression.) 
I have year-round allergies.  
I went through a horrible divorce.
I learned karate.
I changed careers.
I met a nice man.
I married the nice man.
He had a son too, younger than my two boys. Now I have three boys!
Our youngest boy has decided to leave college and join the Navy. He will start basic training this summer. 

I have learned to be happy, because being unhappy makes you miserable.
I have learned its okay to make a mistake. Most things can be fixed.
I have learned that life is what you make of it.

Okay, so what it boils down to is that I've had a lot of life experiences and I think I learned a few things along the way. I don’t have all the answers to your problems. I can only tell you about what happened to me. And maybe it will help you, or comfort you, or give you a chuckle.  

© Copyright 2013-2013, Magistra Vitae| Linda Simpson. All Rights Reserved

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1 comment:

  1. Magistra Vitae,
    I look forward to hearing more from you.
